Magnetic filter for liquid and easily permeable mixtures - manual cleaning (MF)

Magnetic filter for liquid mixtures DN 250 and DN 50This type of magnetic separator is intended for trapping metallic magnetic particles in a stream of mainly liquid substances. It is fitted with very strong permanent magnets, in order to prevent carrying magnetic particles away by a stream of liquid. These are rare-earth-magnets NdFeB that have several times higher magnetic induction (magnetic force) when compared with standard ferrite magnets which would not be able to hold metallic particles from liquid.




As a standard, we produce separators with the input and output diameters of 50, 100, 150 and 250 mm. Magnetic separators can be also delivered in a two-shell design for internal shell heating (e.g. separation from chocolate).

We are going towards each customer to maximum extent. Our products are made to measure your needs. CONTACT US

The product has been developed and is manufactured by our company. Both servicing and assembling activities are performed by our trained technical experts.

The product is protected as a Utility Model No. 23533 of The Industrial Property Office in Prague.


Structure of the liquid mixture separator

Magnetic filter for liquid and easily permeable mixtures - manual cleaningThis type of magnetic separator has been designed so as the operator need not to remove magnetic cores from stainless steel non-magnetic bushes when cleaning which prevents in their contamination or damage. When cleaning is being performed, the magnetic cores remain in the uncovered upper part of the magnetic component. The body of the magnetic separator is provided with a discharging hole to allow discharge of residual heat and liquid before it is cleanined.

Water resistant magnetic separator

Magnetic separator cleaning

After unlocking suspension bolts (on diameters of 50 and 100 these are cap nuts), remove the magnetic component from the magnetic separator body, unlock the locking clamp and - using a handle - pull out the magnets into the upper position. This will result in de-magnetizing of the stainless steel tubes and metallic particles will drop away.

Magnetic component pulling-out


Available in our stockFlow magnetic separator – new!  (MF UP)

Magnetic filter for liquid mixtures DN 50 - UPBy reason of a more efficient magnetic separation, better manipulation on cleaning and possibility of utilization in certified operations with documented production system, we developed a new type of the magnetic separator MF 50/1. Its main benefits include:

We are going towards each customer to maximum extent. Our products are made to measure your needs. CONTACT US

The product has been developed and is manufactured by our company. Both servicing and assembling activities are performed by our trained technical experts.

The product is protected as a Utility Model No. 23533 of The Industrial Property Office in Prague.


Main benefits

  1. Possibility of magnetic pipe replacement
    The magnets located in the separator are protected using stainless steel bushings. In case of damaging easily replace these covering pipes with new ones. Therefore the separator is suitable also for demanding environments (abrasive materials, etc.).
  2. Possibility of magnetic core locking
    Due to the possibility of the manipulation handrail locking there is no risk of production sabotage by reason of an intentional pulling of the "cleaning handrail" during the production process.
  3. All the 3 magnetic pipes are with the diameter of 30 mm
    In comparison with our competitors we are offering all the three pipes with the diameter of 30 mm already as a standard.
  4. Magnetic induction 13.500 G
    In all three magnetic pipes we are offering the magnetic induction of 13.500 G as a standard - in comparison with our competitors this represents a difference of up to 80 %!
  5. Cleaning deviceCascade flow ¨
    due to the differently located input and output holes there occurs a more efficient flow of the material through the magnetic separator so the entire magnetic pipe length (200 mm) is utilized at maximum.
  6. Possibility of delivery cleaning preparation
    By the reason of an easier manipulation during magnetic pipe cleaning we can supply you the cleaning preparation made to measure to your magnetic separator.
Magnetic separator MF 50/1Magnetic separator MF 50/1

Material testing

Find out by yourself how efficient metal separation can be for you. Using your material, we will test how big quantity of impurities this magnetic separator is capable of catching.

Plastics flow magnetic separator – new! (MF PP)

Plastics flow magnetic separatorThis magnetic separator is characterized by a low weight, high stiffness and chemical resistance. Temperature resistance is up to 80 °C or 100 °C.  All components that are in a contact with separated medium are made of a plastic material. The separator is suitable also for the food industry.

The magnetic separator is ended by the flanges or screws. However, we are capable of meeting your requirements regarding the input/output dimensions and various types of the ending elements.

We are going towards each customer to maximum extent. Our products are made to measure your needs. CONTACT US

The product has been developed and is manufactured by our company. Both servicing and assembling activities are performed by our trained technical experts.

Plastics flow magnetic separator

Separator benefits

  1. Long-term temperature stability
  2. High stiffness in the large temperature range (by request, temperature resistance may be as much as 100 °C)
  3. Very good chemical resistance
  4. Possibility of supplying of the UV-resistant and anti-static versions
  5. Low weight
  6. Possibility of connection to a pipeline using flanges and screws
  7. Easy handling
  8. Maximum magnetic induction on the surface of the pipes (this is enabled by a very thin wall of the pipe covering the magnetic cores)
  9. Maximum operational pressure is 4 bars

Easy assembling and operation

All operations may be performed using a single, specially designed assembling key which is a part of the delivery.

Magnetic separator for cooling mixtures and emulsions (MRZ)

Magnetic separator for cooling mixtures and emulsionsAs for cooling and de-greasing emulsion separation, we offer a specifically-designed magnetic grate the development of which was intended on its resistance against humidity - the magnets are covered so the contact with liquid will never take place. The great advantage of this system also consists in the fact that the magnets never attach at any place during cleaning so there is no risk of injury. The separator is fitted with very strong neodymium magnets.

We are going towards each customer to maximum extent. Our products are made to measure your needs. CONTACT US

The product has been developed and is manufactured by our company. Both servicing and assembling activities are performed by our trained technical experts.



Magnetic rods and magnetic grates (finger magnets)

Further possibilities in separation of metals from liquid mixtures consist in magnetic rods and grates.